Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Support

Brooke House College is a non-selective, mainstream independent college that accepts pupils from the age of 11 years, including those with learning disabilities.

At Brooke House, we can offer learning support and referral to an educational psychologist for a formal assessment. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) works closely in tandem with the academic team to ensure that lessons are structured and tailored to meet the needs of each and every student.

Our SENDCO will ensure that liaison with parents and other professionals in respect of a child’s special educational needs take place, and that individual support plans are in place. The SENDCO will arrange regular meetings with individual learners with special educational needs to ensure appropriate learning support is given. Should it become apparent in the classroom that a student would benefit from individual access arrangements for external exams, such as extra time or the use of a laptop, the SENDCO will make arrangements for an external assessment and subsequently approach exam boards to apply for those arrangements.

Brooke House College is fully committed to ensuring:

  • Responsibility for provision for pupils with SEND remains an integral part of the whole School provision and are not put at a substantial disadvantage in matters of admission and education.
  • Children and young people with SEND can engage successfully in all school activities alongside pupils who do not have SEND, including making reasonable adjustments for those children with a disability so that they have good access to the curriculum and wider School learning environment.
  • The school works in close partnership with parents and other key agencies so that the needs and strengths of each pupil are fully understood and there is a collaborative and coordinated approach to planning and reviewing provision.
  • A high level of staff expertise to meet pupils’ needs so that they are beginning to build the skills necessary for a successful transition to senior school (where appropriate) and then on into adulthood.
  • All children at the School have a voice and they are confident and able to use that voice to state their feelings, thoughts and needs.
  • Parents’ views are taken into account.

SEND Coordinator